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Podiatry cardiff

Nail Surgery

Ingrowing toenails can be a painful condition, and require a swift solution. Most can be resolved painlessly with the patient experiencing no or minimal discomfort afterwards. On occasions, though, some patients require a local anaesthetic to ensure the procedure is a painless one. We can provide this should it be deemed necessary or desirable.
In cases of recurring ingrowing toenails, we may recommend a procedure known as Partial Nail Avulsion, whereby, under local anaesthesia, the offending nail sliver is removed, and a caustic substance is applied to the nail bed. This procedure prevents any further nail growth in that area, normally resulting in a permanent cure.

Recurring Ingrowing Toenails

Ingrowing toenails can be a painful affliction, and in some cases, be difficult to resolve using the conventional methods. If you have had treatment for such a condition in the past, but are experiencing reoccurrence, it may be worth considering minor surgery to correct it.
We will happily offer you a free of charge consultation so we can discuss the options with you; please contact us to arrange.

podiatry chiropody cardiff

The Procedure

Should you decide to go ahead with the operation, an appointment will be made, and you will be supplied with a guidance/advice sheet. On the day of the procedure, a local anaesthetic will be administered, consisting of an injection on either side of the affected toe or toes. When the digit is numb, the offending side of the nail will be surgically removed, and the nail bed cauterised to prevent reoccurrence. A suitable dressing will then be applied for comfort. 

cardiff chiropody podiatry

On Completion

The whole procedure takes around ninety minutes, and on completion the follow-up routine will be reiterated and arranged. Two further appointments will be made so as we can redress the toe as necessary, and assess the healing progress. Should any infection be present or anticipated, we will supply you with the appropriate antibiotics to ensure a healthy healing process. The anaesthesia takes about two hours to wear off, and you are strongly advised not to drive for the rest of day. It is also advised for you to rest the foot for the remainder of the day, and refrain from sport or other physical activities for a week or so. An after-care pack will be provided at the time of treatment should you wish to change the dressing in between your follow-up appointments. Full healing usually takes about eight weeks, and you are welcome to contact us during this time if you have any questions or concerns.


The cost of the nail surgery package is £270; this includes all elements of the treatment explained above. Please note that should you need more than one toe treated, this is fully inclusive, no extra charge will be incurred. We are happy to accept all major credit/debit cards if you wish to pay by this method.

Please click the button to view/download
the Information & Advice sheet



Roath Podiatry and Nail Surgery (Cardiff)

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